
This is a course addressed to university lecturers who intend to participate in programs that involve teaching content through English. It aims at helping participants develop their English speaking skills and strategies for effective communication in academic settings. It will focus on participants' skills to present and discuss technical information and to guide students' work.

The course will be based on the principles of the communicative approach in a framework that is especially designed to be appropriate in the engineering and technical fields.



This course is addressed to UPC university lecturers who intend to teach academic content through English. Participants should bear in mind that no single course can provide lecturers with the necessary proficiency and skills to carry out such a demanding task as teaching content through a foreign language. It is therefore assumed that participants wishing to take part in this course have already achieved a high level of proficiency before enrolling in this course. It is usually considered that the level of English needed to carry out academic tasks is above B2 (according to the Common European Framework).



To practice communication skills, especially speaking, listening and reading, in English in an academic setting.
To focus on lecture skills and interactive skills in order to develop these competences.
To involve the participants in communicating in English and perfecting presentation techniques.


El curs està plantejat en modalitat semi-intensiva, amb sessions de 3h els dilluns i de 2h els dimecres.

La sessió setmanal de 3h dels dilluns inclourà activitats de peer teaching en les que els participants podran practicar les classes que hagin preparat durant el cap de setmana. Hi haurà una setmana sense classes (CONSOLIDATION WEEK) prèvia a la finalització del curs. El curs finalitza amb una sessió llarga de 3h.



Strategies for effective lecturing in English.
Strategies for interacting with students in English.
Communication strategies
Preparing to present in English.
Making presentations.



The sessions will involve active participation, discussion and interaction. Participants will also be expected to do out-of-class activities on pronunciation & grammar which will complement class activities.


La certificació a les persones participants estarà supeditada a la prèvia inscripció i acceptació pel mitjà establert (electrònicament a través del web) i a l'assistència a un mínim del 80% de les hores totals de l'activitat.

El personal docent i investigador de la UPC que participi a l’activitat, uns dies després de la finalització, disposarà de manera automàtica de la informació a DRAC.