
This is a purely practical course. The aim of the course is to develop teaching skills in English, and includes daily practice and feedback from both peers and teacher trainer. Guidance and correction on pronunciation and intonation will be given by the trainer. In addition, participants will receive help on organization of content, vocabulary and general expression in English. The practical nature of the course demands a certain amount of time spent on lecture preparation outside class hours: Each session requires the preparation of a new lecture, or part of a lecture, which is presented and assessed in class.



This course is addressed in priority to ETSETB lectures and to all UPC lecturers with some or no experience in teaching their subjects in English. It is assumed that participants wishing to take part in this course have already achieved at least an intermediate level of proficiency before enrolling in this course. It is usually considered that the level of English needed to carry out academic tasks is above B2 (according to the Common European Framework).



To practice communication skills in English within the classroom context.
To focus on lecture skills and interactive skills in order to develop these competences.
To involve the participants in communicating in English and perfecting academic teaching techniques.



1. Strategies for effective lecturing in English.

2. Pronunciation of academic words in context.

3. Organization of content for effective lectures.

4. Peer teaching.

5. Peer evaluation and feedback.

6. Daily practice of a prepared part of a lecture.

7. Academic vocabulary.



The sessions will involve active participation, discussion and interaction. Each session will involve the presentation of academic material which is to be assessed and discussed in class.

Peer teaching and evaluation is an integral part of the course.

Participants will also be expected to do out-of-class activities on pronunciation which will complement class activities.


La certificació a les persones participants estarà supeditada a la prèvia inscripció i acceptació pel mitjà establert (electrònicament a través del web) i a l'assistència a un mínim del 80% de les hores totals de l'activitat.

El personal docent i investigador de la UPC que participi a l’activitat, uns dies després de la finalització, disposarà de manera automàtica de la informació a DRAC.