
UPC university lecturers, with a high level of English (C1) in which scientific research writing is required.


Primary Objective:

To help university professors consolidate and improve scientific writing skills in order to facilitate publication.


Course outline:

A writing workshop designed to reinforce essay composition skills and to practise writing for academic purposes. It is designed for University lecturers with a high level of English (C1) in which scientific research writing is required.
To introduce and practice the basic composition of a research paper, target vocabulary and expressions, organisation of an introduction, materials and methods, presenting results, discussion and conclusions.
To focus on correct English usage, target commonly misused phrases, problem cognates, redundant words, common style errors, double negatives, American/British English common usage.
To focus on technical and grammatical points, the features of academic writing, common text features, simple and complex sentences.


La certificació a les persones participants estarà supeditada a la prèvia inscripció i acceptació pel mitjà establert (electrònicament a través del web) i a l'assistència a un mínim del 80% de les hores totals de l'activitat.

El personal docent i investigador de la UPC que participi a l’activitat, uns dies després de la finalització, disposarà de manera automàtica de la informació a DRAC.