This seminar presents models for course development and activities that can support adapting the models to existing courses to help make them communication intensive.

The models are based on work done at the University of Minnesota in cross disciplinary teams for the Project Management and Capstone for Civil Engineering Students. To address accreditation issues raised by the new ABET standards with respect to communication and writing intensive courses, the Civil Engineering Department at the University of Minnesota used teaching teams of Engineering Faculty, Writing Faculty, and practicing engineers. These teams worked together to design courses that enhanced the work opportunities and connection between the students and future work places.

The models will be based on our methods building successful teaching teams and how we integrated writing and communication into the engineering classroom, helping engineering students become more effective at authentic communication situations, and increasing the quality of engineering assignments for the Project Management and Capstone courses to meet ABET standards.


Activitat adreçada al PDI de l’EPSEVG en prioritat, i a tot el PDI de la UPC. D’interès per al professorat que està impartint o té previst impartir la seva docència en anglès, i també per al professorat interessat en la integració de comunicació en assignatures/projectes d'enginyeria.

This activity is addressed both to Communication and Engineering faculty who are willing to talk about their courses and look for opportunities to bring more communication into their courses.


To introduce models for collaboration between communication/language and engineering faculty in course design based on work done in Rhetoric and Civil Engineering at the University of Minnesota.

To enable participants to engage in strengthening connections between communication and engineering faculty around communication requirements for international and European engineering accreditation programs.

To plan opportunities for joint course and/or activity design based on the models presented. To build an understanding of key classroom strategies for teaching communication skills from a multidisciplinary perspective.

To lay the groundwork for future collaboration between engineering and communication faculty in fulfilling European and International engineering accreditation requirements related to communication.


L'ICE expedirà un certificat d'assistència a les persones participants, sempre i quan s'hagin inscrit prèviament pel mitjà establert (electrònicament a través del web) i hagin estat acceptades. El personal docent i investigador de la UPC que participi a l’activitat, uns dies després de la finalització, disposarà de manera automàtica de la informació a DRAC.