Katerina Bagiati és enginyera i va fer el doctorat en Engineering Education a la Purdue University, sent actualment Research Scientist a l’Institut de Tecnologia de Massachusetts (MIT). Un dels seus camps d’expertesa és l’educació STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) a nivell K12 (dels 6 als 18 anys). La doctora Bagiati està a Barcelona participant en un projecte de recerca a la UPC i aprofitem la seva expertesa per fer una presentació a la comunitat educativa catalana en STEM.


La conferència s'impartirà en llengua anglesa.


Professorat de tecnologia, matemàtiques i ciències d'ESO i Batxillerat


"Eclectic Approaches to K-12 STEM Education” is a 90 min seminar discussing the position and implementation of STEM and in particular the Engineering and Technology aspect within the Secondary school system. More specifically Dr Bagiati will present various examples stemming from the US as well as the International education community in regards to how Engineering and Technology can be introduced, implemented, and enhanced in and out of class.


• Introduction

o The importance of K-12 STEM education

o Placing the E in STEM

o From STEM to STEAM

• How early is early enough?

o Design-based learning: braking the silos

o Discussing research findings

o DBL in formal / informal education

• Teacher Professional Development

o Identifying and evaluating open online resources

o Setting up crossdisciplinary projects at school/across schools

o Working with the local community

o Developing a makers space at school

• Presenting the STEAM Studio case.




Aquesta activitat tindrà una certificació de dues hores de l'ICE de la UPC