The main aim of this course is to help lecturers and other academic members of the UPC maintain and improve their English for teaching, research and general academic life.


PDI UPC: Lecturers who need to work in English: teaching, lecturing, dealing with students, attending conferences, meeting with colleagues, understanding talks and lectures in their field, etc. Participants should have an intermediate level of English (B2 and above).

To maintain and improve macro and micro listening listening skills in academic situations
To maintain and improve fluency and confidence in speaking
To maintain and improve improve academic vocabulary and grammar for academic life

General and academic listening
Participants’ fields of expertise in English: vocabulary and grammar
Communication skills for teaching: explanation/discussion/ giving instructions/negotiating/problem solving/planning, etc


The course will involve listening to live and recorded material and discussion, role-play and presentation in pairs and groups. Vocabulary and striuctures will be taught and practised interactively.


La certificació a les persones participants estarà supeditada a la prèvia inscripció i acceptació pel mitjà establert (electrònicament a través del web) i a l'avaluació positiva dels treballs proposats pels formadors/res. El personal docent i investigador de la UPC que participi a l’activitat, uns dies després de la finalització, disposarà de manera automàtica de la informació a DRAC.