This is a practical course which aims to build confidence and accuracy when speaking in English. There is dynamic interaction in each session which gives lots of speaking practice. In addition, each session involves a focus on correct pronunciation of key words. Extension and revision of vocabulary is also given importance.



The course is aimed at university professors who are teaching or will teach subjects in English in the near future. As such, a high level is required: approximately B2 or C1 ( acccording to the Common European Framework).

Targeted at all UPC academic staff.



To build fluency and confidence when speaking in English.

To raise awareness of key phonetic sounds in English.

To raise awareness of stress in key words. To extend vocabulary.



Discussion in small groups or with a partner.

Class debates.

Discussion skills – agreeing and disagreeing, stating an opinion, interrupting, etc.

Developing an argument – showing contrast, giving examples, emphasising key points etc.

Summarising key points from a written text.



The course involves discussions based around a common theme. This will be introduced by the use of written texts, short videos or vocabulary topics.

Each session finishes with a focus on pronunciation which needs improvement or highlighting.

Vocabulary extension is aided by constant revision of key words.

CERTIFICACIÓ i altres informacions

La certificació a les persones participants estarà supeditada a la prèvia inscripció i acceptació pel mitjà establert (electrònicament a través del web) i a l'assistència a un mínim del 80% de les hores totals de l'activitat. El personal docent i investigador de la UPC que participi a l’activitat, uns dies després de la finalització, disposarà de manera automàtica de la informació a DRAC.

Aquesta activitat està finançada pel Fons de Formació Contínua 2023 (Acuerdo de Formación para el Empleo de las Administraciones Públicas –AFEDAP) que es gestiona mitjançant l’Escola d’Administració Pública de Catalunya (EAP).